Bernhard Kainz

Bernhard Kainz 2019

I am a Professor in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London where I lead the human-in-the-loop computing group and co-lead the biomedical image analysis research group (BioMedIA) and at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg where I head the Image Data Exploration and Analysis Lab (IDEA Lab). We are a post-pandemic, borderless research group, across nations and institutions.

Our research is about intelligent algorithms in healthcare, especially Medical Imaging. We are working on self-driving medical image acquisition that can guide human operators in real-time during diagnostics. Artificial Intelligence is currently used as a blanket term to describe research in these areas.

Our current research questions are:

My teaching is focused on real-time computing, Machine Learning, Image Analysis, Computer Graphics and Visualisation.

I am a scientific advisor for ThinkSono Ltd. and co-founder of Fraiya Ltd..